
Become an Affiliate

Turtle Studio members are referred to as Affiliates.

Benefits to Becoming an Affiliate

  • 24hr access to the studio

  • Storage space for supplies

  • Access to studio library and communal materials

  • Having a say in how the studio is run

  • Exhibit work at our Open Studios (usually twice a year), the Kitchen Gallery and other studio shows.

  • Hold artist’s events in the studio (with prior OK from the Pentagang as to date, time and location within the studio)

  • Member discount for workshops held by in the studio

  • Eligibility to apply to use Flow Zone for extended setup of your work area for 2 weeks with out breaking down

  • Link from Turtle Studios website to affiliate’s website

  • Access to studio WiFi

Membership Fees

Affiliate fees are the primary source of income for the studio and we rely on Affiliates to sign a contract for a year and to honor that commitment. It is the Affiliate’s choice to participate in workshops (for an additional fee) or to use the studio space whenever he or she chooses

Full Time Membership
Unlimited use of the studio (except when workshops or other events are scheduled)

Summer Residency Program (on hold currently due to COVID restrictions)
$250/month plus $20 refundable key deposit
Use of the studio during July and August plus a storage shelf.

Payment Options

Payment options are (1) payment in advance by check made out to Turtle Studios (in one 12-month payment or two 6-month installments) or (2) autopay - have a monthly check sent from the affiliate's financial institution to the Turtle Studios mailbox. Fees are due in the Turtle Studios PO Box by the 1st of the month. If you choose to use autopay set it to pay around the 25th of the month in order to reach the post office by the 1st of the following month. Make checks payable to Turtle Studios with the memo notation: “Rent” and send to Turtle Studios, PO Box 95185, Newton, MA 02495.

Workshops for New Affiliates
Attending one or more workshops is the best way to learn about the studio, its members (referred to as "affiliates") and its policies and practices. A good starter workshop is the Every Other Month Weekend workshop that is open to outsiders as well as affiliates. It is run by two veteran Turtles who provide opportunities to learn about the founding Turtle philosophy.

How to Apply
If you are interested in becoming an affiliate or have any questions, please email us at